The lab is releasing an E-Learning Module 'Interactive web-based review units for phonetics and phonology'

Our lab is releasing an E-learning moodle course for reviewing the basics of phonetics and phonology. It is called “Interactive web-based review units for phonetics and phonology” and is available at Orca NRW and OSF The Project was funded by ELFF at HHU.

The set of web-based interactive learning units in phonetics and phonology serves two purposes: supplementing student learning in field of phonetics and phonology. With the proposed units, instructors have a resource for flipped classroom teaching or self-paced learning by assigning them to students to complete outside of limited contact hours. Students are able to review their most needed topics, and spend as much time as necessary. With less class-time spent on review, courses can more efficiently focus on new material. Each unit has a short quiz with autograded questions and feedback that provides dynamic links to relevant sections of the unit.

More information about the project can be found here